Your Grandma, Dave Ramsey, and Warren Buffet would all agree, the secret to building wealth is to spend less than you earn. This is not only practical advice, it tunes your biofield into the field of abundance, rather than energy of scarcity!
Saturday's | 1.5 Hrs. Live Class
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
March 2, 2024 - April 6, 2024
Class sessions will be recorded and made available within two business days for those unable to attend live.
Course Objective
Destroying the Abundance Myths that Keep You Broke
Understanding the magic of conscious manifesting
Feeling Empowered Rather than a Victim (no matter how much inflation we have and who is president)
Heal your financial fears
Understanding money as pure energy
Exploring how to use Biofield Awareness as a tool.
Understanding Abundance as More than Money
Design and initiate a plan to get out of debt, save $$ and create positive cash flow
Today, I am out of debt, have savings and investments, and feel much more empowered around money.
All my financial troubles began when I quit my “real job” to follow my heart. Back in 2002, I quit my job as a software developer to become a part of Quantum-Touch. I may have been naïve, but at that time, I was under the impression that if I did what I loved, the money would follow. However, much to my dismay, the money never came. In fact, "doing what I love" led to a huge mound of debt: I had a $100,000 line of credit, $35,000 of credit card debt, a mortgage I couldn’t afford, an auto loan, and zero savings. I was beyond broke! I needed to raise money just to be broke!
After years of financial stress, feeling like a martyr for my cause, and wallowing self-pity, I finally discovered how to change my energy around money. Today, I am out of debt, have savings and investments, and feel much more empowered around money.
The only exercise I’ve done this month is running out of money.
- Earl Wilson
“Abundance is not something we acquire; it is something we tune into.”
Wayne Dyer
You have the power within to create financial peace! We would love to show you how.
Dan grew up poor but didn't know it. Eventually, his family became middle class successful. Dan went to all the right schools, got a good education, started a family and a couple of businesses. He had a home in a prestigious part of town. Only he was miserable! He felt everything "owned" him and he had no meaning or deep satisfaction in his life. So, he gave it all away, drove down the road in a beat-up old Datsun and rusty trailer, and began his period of "Conscious Poverty" - seeking more than traditional security and success. He found it one summer day six months later, while helping manage a trailer park, when he suddenly realized he was completely happy with literally only the shirt on his back! That profound moment freed him from societal norms about money and earnings. His ability to consciously manifest ever since has been powerful and easy.
Dan's Story
That profound moment freed him from societal norms about money and earnings.
One Payment
Pay in Full
(1 payment)
$267.30 Early bird
Class Closed
Two Payments
Pay Monthly
(2 monthly payments)
$133.65 Early bird
Class Closed
Three Payments
Pay Monthly
(3 monthly payments)
$89.10 Early bird
Class Closed
Payment Options
Refund Policy
A 100% refund is available up until one week prior to class. At this point you will already have received class one instructions and refunds will no longer be available.
Albert Einstein once said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Nothing could have been more accurate when it came to my finances!
Jennifer Taylor